Gene-Xperts, LLC. FACT SHEET
Q: What are the days and hours of operations?
A: Technician hours: 7:00AM – 7:00PM {EST} 7 DAYS A WEEK.
Administration hours: 8:00AM – 5:00PM {EST}
Q: Can I call Gene-Xperts, LLC directly as the patient to place a house call request?
A: YES, if the patients has a prescription from their doctor for lab work and wishes for Gene-Xperts, LLC. to come to their home.
Q: What is the charge for this service if the patient is billed directly?
A: The fee for a phlebotomy house call {patient bill} is $ 55.00 for venipuncture fee. The patient insurance will be billed for the testing by the Insurance preferred laboratory.
Q: Once Gene-Xperts, LLC receives my order for a phlebotomy house call, how soon will I be scheduled?
A: If the order is received before 1:00PM {EST} during normal business hours, the patient is scheduled for the next business day {if requested}. Any orders received after 1:00PM {EST} will be scheduled within 48 hours.
Q: Does Gene-Xperts, LLC perform the testing on specimens?
A: No, Gene-Xperts, LLC only performs the actual blood draw. Specimens are tested by a licensed and approved laboratory. Results are reported to the ordering physician by the laboratory. .
Q: Does Gene-Xperia, LLC provide service to nursing facilities?
A: Yes. We can provide phlebotomy services to nursing facilities and schools for the mentally challenged. Gene-Xperts, LLC can also accommodate health fairs.
Q: In which area does Gene-Xperts, LLC perform these services?
A: We presently service Columbia, Lexington, Kershaw, Lugoff, Richland, Newberry, Greenwood
Q: Why should I choose Gene-Xperts, LLC?
A: Experience... We have many years’ experience in the phlebotomy field. Because of our expertise and knowledge in phlebotomy, Gene-Xperts, LLC is contracted by some of the largest laboratories in the country; performing efficient blood draws every month.
We'd love to hear from you! Feel free to get in touch with any questions, comments, or inquiries you may have.